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  • read more Botany Rd, Alexandria - Architecture l Design - >

    Green Square, Sydney’s oldest industrial heartland, is transforming into a vibrant, sustainable and connected community.

    The site sits just outside of Green Square Town Centre, and an office and retail tower are proposed to meet much needed contemporary employment opportunities in the area. The design incorporates plenty of green open space and a landscaped through-site link to connect with the ever-growing Green Square community facilities. End of trips facilities are proposed occupying a large share of the valuable ground floor space. Energy efficient practices are applied through the building design to achieve 4 Star Green Star Design and Property Council of Australia (PCA) Office Quality Grade B rating. An attractive façade design on prominent Botany Rd and a bar/restaurant surrounded by landscape gardens on the rooftop are proposed.

    Dickson Rothschild provided the architecture for the Stage One development application, with the intention of providing the foundations for an exciting Stage Two Design Excellence Competition expected in 2020.