The northwest growth centre is seeing significant population growth with local services and amenities struggling to keep apace of housing supply.
Dickson Rothschild began with review of a recently rezoned site in north west Sydney which provided opportunities for a local retail hub and medium density housing. An initial vision was produced seeking to create a mixed-use community hub that breaks down the traditional segregation of land uses in new suburbs. The Shopping Centre was proposed as a mixed-use development with Woolworths as the lead tenant, with speciality retail, a gym, childcare centre, public open space and 40 apartments above. Key challenges were staging of the development in relation to major road upgrades, a land swap with Council and development of a local centre hub in a new and relatively untested market.
The northwest growth centre is seeing significant population growth with local services and amenities struggling to keep apace of housing supply.
Dickson Rothschild began with review of a recently rezoned site in north west Sydney which provided opportunities for a local retail hub and medium density housing. An initial vision was produced seeking to create a mixed-use community hub that breaks down the traditional segregation of land uses in new suburbs. The Shopping Centre was proposed as a mixed-use development with Woolworths as the lead tenant, with speciality retail, a gym, childcare centre, public open space and 40 apartments above. Key challenges were staging of the development in relation to major road upgrades, a land swap with Council and development of a local centre hub in a new and relatively untested market.